Episode 2

„I grew up in a castle!“ – Children and books PodCast

It’s about castles, about springs and about beginnings: What was it like to grow up in a castle and what does that have to do with cows? Why did we have to fetch water from a spring in the park? Where are my sources of creativity and how did it all develop? What was it like to witness the beginnings of the Kleinwelka dinosaur park as a child? Many questions to which you will find answers. Just listen in as this time it’s a bit more about childhood and the beginnings of both of us.

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Where do you get the energy to write?

Lubina Hajduk

Lubina Hajduk

Writer and Publisher

I would say it’s curiosity about life and what can happen, whether in reality or in a story. Sometimes I have confused dreams and wake up a bit tattered, surely everyone knows that. Then I always already know, today I’d rather do something practical, today I’m tired and would judge everything too strictly. But these days are part of it. The most beautiful days and morning moments are when I sit down at my desk, awake and curious, inwardly already sketching out which story I want to continue spinning. Then I swim and swing along on this wave. It’s usually not that long, but it’s satisfying and surprising. It’s a balancing act between consistency and intuition, both are necessary and together they are the source of energy for the creation of stories