Lubina and Branko Hajduk
The Children and Books PodCast
We share how we, as mother and son, publish our children’s books and where the journey takes us. We want to take you along with us on this wonderful process and invite partners each week on the topics of: Raising Children, Parenting, and Children’s Books.
Our latest episode:
Career and Children
Briefgeschichten für Kinder
Folge 28 Desswegen wollte ich die 10 schlechtesten Geschichten schreiben: Ein Buch schrieben -...
Minimalismus und Besitztum
Folge 27 Brauche ich das wirklich?! Über Minimalismus und Besitztum Heute sprechen Lubina und...
Kindeheit in 3 Generationen
Folge 26 Kindheit in 3 Generationen Petra ist in den 40er Jahren geboren, Lubina in den 70er...
Was macht Kinderfilme so magisch und was ist Dein Lieblingsfilm?
Folge 25 Das macht Kinderfilme so magisch und ergreifend. Ein Kinderfilm ist meistens super...
So lernt man Sprachen am Besten
Folge 24 Das macht das Sprachenlernen so spannend. Roland Marti ist Philologe. Also nach seinen...
“Als ich das verstanden habe, fand ich die mehrsprachige Erziehung ganz entspannt.”
Folge 23 Mehrsprachige Erziehung und Umgang mit mehreren Kulturen. Bi- oder multilinguale...
Who are we actually?
Lubina Hajduk
I have been writing children’s texts and books for over 20 years and have accompanied our son Branko through the various stages of his development into adulthood. And I can say – you never stop learning, fortunately, both as a child and as an adult. And also every new story is like an unknown-known world that I enter and that always surprises me. Just as we humans react differently to different situations, the characters and heroes living in me also act independently. It is exciting to follow them and write down their experiences. These can be short stories or extensive books. For longer books I need above all time, stamina and consistency.
For me, passing on and sharing is also what this podcast is about – passing on my stories to a larger audience, to as many kids around the world as possible. But also sharing our experiences with books – on the one hand with our guests, on the other hand with the listeners. And last but not least, sharing our experiences on the way to self-publish children’s books. It’s a very complex topic, and that’s precisely why it’s so invigorating and enriching.
Branko Hajduk
I am 19! Now in my 5th year, I am involved with digital marketing. Lubina’s children’s books have been with me since I was a child, when I was 12 years old I was very happy to help create Lubina’s books. When I moved to Hamburg in January, we decided that together we would publish these books, which have been published in Sorbian for 15 years now, in other languages and countries. Not only is it a really huge project and incredibly exciting, but it’s just total fun to realize such a project with my own mother, who has always supported me.
For me, this project and this PodCast is a piece of childhood, which I may live again. According to the motto: “Just do it”, discover new things and just “jump” without any fears or concerns. I am happy, not only that we have founded our own publishing house, but that we have found so many enthusiastic companions and could set up such a great project and such wonderful children’s books.
I look forward to your feedback and your opinion!