Parenting and childhood in different continents

Episode 7 What is parenting like in other continents? – An interview with Eva In this episode of the Children and Books PodCast, Branko and Lubina talk to Eva about her childhood in Tanzania and how she perceived parenting with her children. What were your...

Poetry and Parenting

Episode 6 Parenting and Poetry with Josie and Rachel Rogers Lubina and Branko are Mother and Son, Rachel and Josie are Mother and Daughter. Today we talked about the relationship between Mothers and their child and how poetry and story have a connection to that. The...

Every child tells its own story – how can I hear it?

Episode 5 Every child tells its own story  – how can I hear it? Lubina, Branko and Rachel talked a lot about her job as a doctor/therapist and how she helps individual children to release their blocks and perhaps also bring a little more perspective into their...

How does a child perceive its outside world?

Episode 4 How does a child perceive its outside world? In this episode we had Jonas Happ from Hamburg with us on the Children and Books PodCast. It’s about the outside world of a child and how you can perceive something. Jonas told us a bit about the design...

“I grew up in a castle!” – Children and books

Episode 2 “I grew up in a castle!” – Children and books PodCast It’s about castles, about springs and about beginnings: What was it like to grow up in a castle and what does that have to do with cows? Why did we have to fetch water from a...